华西都市报 -A16 少年派-
  • ·加拉帕戈斯游记:探索神秘的物种起源之地(下)





Galapagos Travels:Exploring the Mysterious Origin of Species





  In this unique ecological environment, the marine iguana is the only lizard capable of diving into the sea to forage. Their dark bodies absorb heat from the sun to maintain their body temperature.
  加拉帕戈斯群岛不仅是观察野生动物的理想之地,也是冒险者的天堂。加拉帕戈斯国家公园管理局规定,唯一允许游客徒步及攀登的只有Sierra Negra一座山,而且由于路途有潜在风险,不能私自前往,必须报团由导游带领参观。整个徒步行程来回16公里,休闲步法5个小时即可完成,对体能和耐力有小小要求。
  The Galapagos Islands are not only ideal for observing wildlife but also a paradise for adventurers. According to the Galapagos National Park Directorate, the only mountain open to hiking and climbing for tourists is Sierra Negra. Due to potential risks along the route, visitors cannot go alone and must join a guided tour. The entire hike spans 16 kilometers round trip and can be completed in about five hours at a leisurely pace, requiring a moderate level of physical fitness and endurance.
  1835年,达尔文初登加拉帕戈斯群岛时,被眼前的火山景象所震惊。他在日记里写道:“熔岩碎片多孔,像烧红的煤灰;石缝间的矮树没有什么生命迹象。黑色的石头受到太阳光直射,烫得像炉子一样,这里的空气都有一种憋闷、酷热的感觉……这里可以和我们想象中的地狱的样子相提并论。”当你在Sierra Negra火山徒步游玩时,完全可以体会到达尔文当时的心境,这里的地貌不似地球,而更像是火星。
  In 1835, Charles Darwin was astonished by the volcanic scenery upon his arrival in the Galapagos Islands. He wrote in his diary, "The lava fragments are porous, like cinders; the stunted trees between the crevices show no signs of life. The black rocks, scorched by the sun, feel as hot as a stove, and the air is suffocating and oppressive... This place can be compared to our imagined hell." When you hike up Sierra Negra, you can fully experience Darwin's sentiments. The landscape here is more akin to Mars than Earth.
  The Galapagos Islands, this miraculous land, are filled with wonder and beauty every second. Whether you're a nature explorer or simply seeking a place far from the hustle and bustle, this is your dream destination. We look forward to your next journey, where you can explore even more of the unknown world.杨帆 华西都市报-封面新闻记者 罗彬月 白凯

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