华西都市报 -A16 少年派-
  • ·“做龙”的传人是一种什么体验?(下)





What is the Experience of Being a“Dragon Maker”?



  Through long-time practice, Chen Huanbin addressed the shortcomings of traditional grass dragon making and upgraded it to a scaled dragon. He created wrinkles on the dragon’s head, including its eyes, nose, and mouth, to enhance its three-dimensionality and beauty. At the same time, carefully selected fresh, unburned rice straw is steamed for 24 hours using a special process to achieve insect and mold resistance, and to ensure a bright, glossy finish. Dragons made from this carefully selected straw are more sturdy and won’t fall apart even after being swung thousands of times.
  The exquisite technique required in making the Muchuan Grass Dragon has been highly praised and loved by people from all over the world. The dragons and relevant techniques have made multiple appearances at major exhibitions and performance events, and have been taken to different places for exchanges and learning.
  In 2003, the Muchuan Grass Dragon successfully applied for a Guinness world record. The grass dragon used for this application was meticulously crafted over the course of more than three months by Chen Huanbin and over 20 straw weaving enthusiasts, using over 800,000 stalks of rice straws. The dragon measures a total length of 200.8 meters.
  In June 2008, its technique was listed as one of the second national intangible cultural heritage items.
  中文文图:《看四川》杂志记者 戴余乐 英文作者:四川国际传播中心记者 刘动